Daneel: The difference between Java and Dalvik

Those of you who kept following IcedRobot might have seen that quite some work went into Daneel over the past months. He1 is in charge of parsing Android applications containing code intended to run on a Dalvik VM and transforming this code into something which can run on any underlying Java VM. So he is a VM compatible with Dalvik on top of a Java VM, or at least that’s what he wants to become.

So Daneel is multilingual in a strange way, he can read and understand Dalvik bytecode, but he only speaks and writes Java bytecode. To understand how he can do that we have to look at the differences between those two dialects.

Registers vs. Stack: We know Dalvik bytecode uses a register-machine, and Java bytecode uses a stack-machine. But each method frame on that stack-machine not only has an operand stack, it also has an array of local variables. Unfortunately this distinction is lost in our register-machine. To understand what this means, let us look at a full Java-Dalvik-Daneel round-trip for a simple method like the following.

public static int addConst(int val) {
   return val + 123456;

The first stop on our round-trip is the Java bytecode. So after we push this snippet through javac we get the following code which makes use of both, an operand stack and local variables.

public static int addConst(int);
  [max_stack=2, max_locals=1, args_size=1]
   0: iload_0
   1: ldc #int 123456
   3: iadd
   4: ireturn

The second stop takes us to the Dalvik bytecode. We push the above code through the dx tool and are left with the following code. Note that the distinction between the operand stack and local variables is lost completely, everything is stored in registers.

public static int addConst(int);
  [regs=2, ins=1, outs=0]
   0: const v0, #0x1E240
   1: add-int/2addr v0, v1
   2: return v0

The third and last step is Daneel reading the Dalvik bytecode and trying to reproduce sane Java bytecode again. The following is what he spits out after chewing on the input for a bit.

public static int addConst(int);
  [max_stack=2, max_locals=2, args_size=1]
   0: ldc #int 123456
   1: istore_1
   2: iload_1
   3: iload_0
   4: iadd
   5: istore_1
   6: iload_1
   7: ireturn

The observant reader will notice the vast difference between what we had at the beginning of our round-trip and what we ended up with. Daneel maps each Dalvik register to a Java local variable. Fortunately any decent Java VM will optimize away the unnecessary load and store instructions and we can achieve acceptable performance with this naive approach already.

Untyped Instructions: Another big difference might not be that obvious at first glance. Notice how the instruction at label 0 in the above Dalvik bytecode (the second stop on our round-trip) accesses register v0 without specifying the exact type of that register? The only thing Daneel can determine at that point in the code is that it’s a 32-bit value we are dealing with, it could be an int or a float value. For zero-constants it could even be a null reference we are dealing with. The exact type of that register is not revealed before the instruction at label 1, where v0 is read again by a typed instruction. It’s at that point that we learn the exact type of that register.

So Daneel has to keep track of all register types while iterating through the instruction stream to determine the exact types and decide which Java bytecode instructions to emit. I intend to write a separate article about how this is done by Daneel in the following days, so stay tuned.

Disclaimer: This is a technical description of just two major differences between Dalvik bytecode and Java bytecode. All political discussions about differences or similarities between Dalvik and Java in general are outside the scope of this article and I won’t comment on them.

1 Yes, Daneel is male. His girlfriend is called Ika. Together they love to drink iced tea because they try to get off caffeine. They even have a butler working for them who is called Jenkins, a very lazy guy who regularly was seen to crash during work.

Thanks for taking the time in

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Thanks for the information

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Informative content. Thanks.

Informative content. Thanks.

Thanks for the updated post.

Thanks for the updated post.

It's nice seeing an

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amazing work.

amazing work.

Amazing! Thanks for the

Amazing! Thanks for the share.

Thanks for sharing this

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That's so cool.

That's so cool.

I love it.

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It's fascinating to see how

It's fascinating to see how Daneel bridges the gap between Dalvik and Java bytecode, effectively acting as a translator between these two worlds. The distinction between the register-based system in Dalvik and the stack-based approach in Java bytecode is quite intriguing. Daneel's ability to map Dalvik registers to Java local variables showcases its adaptability, even if it might seem like a complex process. The challenge of dealing with untyped instructions in Dalvik bytecode adds another layer of complexity that Daneel handles skillfully.

All I know is Java and Dalvik

All I know is Java and Dalvik share some similarities, they are designed for different purposes and have different strengths and weaknesses.

It's intriguing to see the

It's intriguing to see the work put into Daneel, a VM that bridges the gap between Dalvik and Java bytecode. The transformation process it undergoes, going from a register-machine to a stack-machine, while keeping track of untyped instructions, showcases the technical complexity involved. This article provides valuable insights into the inner workings of Daneel and its role in making Android applications compatible with various Java VMs.

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Glad to visit this great blog. keep on posting.

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Great Post!

Great Post!

Amazing information.

Amazing information.

Interesting blog! Keep on

Interesting blog! Keep on posting.

Thank you for such a

Thank you for such a fantastic blog.

Thank you so much for sharing

Thank you so much for sharing a great blog.

This article discusses the

This article discusses the difference between Java and Dalvik, two programming languages commonly used for developing mobile applications for Android devices. Java is a universal programming language that can be used to create applications for a wide range of platforms, while Dalvik is a Virtual Machine specifically designed for running applications on Android devices. The article also touches on the benefits and drawbacks of each language, as well as the impact they have on the performance of mobile applications. Overall, it's a helpful resource for anyone interested in understanding the differences between these two important programming languages and how they are used in the development of mobile applications.

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Dalvik was a defunct process

Dalvik was a defunct process virtual machine (VM) in the Android OS that ran specifically designed Android apps. Although it is no longer utilized during runtime in more recent versions of Android, Dalvik bytecode format is still used as a distribution format. Dalvik is a Linux operating system that runs on top of Android.

Great sharing

A virtual machine called the

A virtual machine called the DVM is used to execute Android apps. Dalvik bytecode, which is translated from Java applications, is executed by the DVM. The DVM is not a JVM, as should be noted. One of the primary design tenets of the DVM is that it should load faster than any JVM and work on mobile devices with less RAM.

It's great to know their

It's great to know their differences. Great share!

Thanks for the heads up, this

Thanks for the heads up, this has been great, for sure. Love it.

Thanks for sharing this

Thanks for sharing this information.

The main difference between

The main difference between Java and Dalvik is that Java is a full-fledged programming language while Dalvik is a VM. Therefore, Java code needs to be compiled into Dalvik bytecode before it can run on an Android device.

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Always a great study. Thanks!

Always a great study. Thanks!

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